Saturday, 22 June 2013

The History of the Gawler Bunkers during World War 2

Another of the Gawler Bunkers this one is used as living quarters now (circa 2011)
Inside the huge Gawler Bunker after the war it was used to grow mushrooms
Another one of the Gawler Bunkers - this one is now privately owned and used as living quarters
Entrance to Gawler Air Raid shelter as it is now in 2012 in need of repair
Gawler telecommunications Branch  WW2 in the underground bunker

Inside one of the underground Bunkers Gawler

Gawler Telecommunications Branch at work during WW2 in the underground bunker

Scattered  along the banks of the Gawler Rivers are some left overs from World War 2, The Gawler Bunkers. There are several types of bunkers that were used during Word War 2.
There are the 3 munitions bunkers located just off Paternoster Road at Reid in Gawler West. Before the Gawler bypass and Northern Expressway were built they were jut a short walk from the Airfield which was used during WW2.
There is the huge secret underground bunker that was used by the Gawler Telecommunications Unit to communicate important information during the war. It had 2 hidden secret entrances and was also a short walk from the airfield. The 2 hidden entrances are some what delafitated now but at my last enquiry I beleive they are being renovated by the current owner of the land they are on.
There are also other bunkers and air raid shelters scattered all around Gawler like the one that can easily be seen on the Two Wells Road.

Air raid shelter on the Two Wells Road as it is now in 2012
One of the Gawler River Bunkers as it is now in 2012, used for munitions storage during WW2


  1. Hi There.
    Found all the bunkers, except the communications (large) one.
    Any hints to its location?

    1. it is on private property on paternoster road sorry cant diaclose exact location

  2. Hi. Not to Sure but do you know where the air raid shelter is?

  3. yea i do but cant really diaclose as on private property
